We are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion and the American expression of that Communion called The Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Church believes (as stated on pg. 855 of 1979 Book of Common Prayer) that the mission of the church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
We here at Grace Episcopal Church of Elkridge Maryland participate in this restoration by responding to our specific call by God to be a community of faith committed to knowing Jesus and making Him known to the world.
Whoever you are, you are welcome to worship with us at Grace Elkridge.
Our History
Grace Church is the third oldest Episcopal congregation in Howard County. The Holy Spirit has been with Grace Church in the past, is with us in the present, and is leading us into the future. Every generation has its own unique opportunities and challenges, and we at Grace continue to discern what Christ is calling us to do and be today. Below you can find a link to our 2013 parish profile, our 2012 strategic plan, and our more historical parish profile done in the 1990’s.
Heading toward 200 years…Grace Church of the Elk Ridge Landing
1841 – Rev. Robert Piggot began preaching on Sunday afternoons in various local homes.
1845 – First church acquired and moved to west of the railroad tracks
1856 – New church built and dedicated
1911 –Consecration of existing Church on Main Street & Brumbaugh in October. This building was made with a slate roof as embers from steam trains destroyed original buildings.
1966 – Parish Hall on Montgomery Road was built on the corner of Landing Road and Montgomery Road
1972 – Grace establishes a preschool and child development center
1995 – Grace partners with Elkridge Elder Ministries to build affordable housing for senior citizens
2002 – Grace builds a new facility to house the Grace Early Childhood Center
“As we celebrate our past and look with hope to our future, let us be reminded of previous generations whose generosity enables us to worship in the wonderful facilities we enjoy each week. Let us be reminded of the community our forebears loved and served. We are a congregation today because of those who came before us at Grace Church and were moved by the Holy Spirit to offer their gifts. Now it is our time to gratefully offer ours, and for all of our rich blessings, let us give thanks.”