Sunday Eucharist 7:30 am @ HSC
Sunday Eucharist 10:00 am @ FLC
Thursday 7:30 am Eucharist @ FLC
Please watch us on Facebook "Grace Episcopal Church" and LIKE or Comment
Remember our church runs on your donations so please remember to mail your envelopes or go to Stewardship for alternate ways to donate.
7:30 am Service at HSC.
9:00 am Adult Sunday School in the Family Life Center
10:00 am Service is inside the Family Life Center. We will continue to livestream this service on Facebook. (Grace Episcopal Church)
We also offer children Sunday School during the 10 am service age 3-17, during the school year.
Upcoming Events:
1/14/25 - 6pm Dinner in Parish Hall
Special Service Schedule
Ash Wednesday
March 5 - 12noon & 7pm @ HSC
Palm Sunday
April 13 9am @HSC
Holy Week April 17-20
About Us
Grace Episcopal Church is a welcoming community. We strive to reflect Christ's example of worship, love of neighbor and ministries of compassion. We welcome all people just as God created you. Our congregation seeks to be a nurturing community, supporting one another in our journeys of faith. We welcome you no matter where you are on your journey of faith.