The sharing could include both “time” and “treasure.” Become involved and give freely of your time and talents to help Grace exemplify Christ. There are many avenues to become involved, just ask! Alternatively, you may want to give treasure. Keeping Grace active and vibrant could means both types of gifts are needed. To easily make a one time donation click the donation website link below.
We believe that everything we have comes from Christ Jesus and as an act of thanksgiving we share what we have on behalf of the Body of Christ and its many ministries.
If you are writing checks and preparing envelopes every week, you may find it more convenient to give online. In a few short minutes, you can make a one-time gift or set up a donation that will process automatically on a recurring basis. Recurring donations are convenient and provide our church with much needed consistent support throughout the year. To give online, click the Grace Donation Website Link above.